Junior Competitive

Future Gymanstics junior competitive classes are by invitation on

trials and assessments available. Please email us to arrange a time - futuregymnasticstga@gmail.com

Alternatively our next open trial date for our junior competitive squad will be Monday 2nd May 2023! 

We highly encourage all gymnasts to begin their rhythmic journery in one of our beginner classes before progressing through to our junior competitve squad.

Gymnasts will have the opporutnity to compete in a number of competitions throughout the year from June - September each year & also perform in our annual end of year Gala. This is a fantastic opporunity to showcase all the skills learnt throughout the year. 

LEVEl 1 & 2

Tuesday 4.30pm - 6.00pm 

Level 3 & 4

Tuesday & Thursday 4.30pm - 6.30pm 


  • Black leggings or shorts 
  • T-shirt or singlet top 
  • Thermal or long sleeved top for the cooler months
  • Hair neatly pulled back into either a bun or high ponytail 
  • Toe shoes  
  • Socks 
  • Drink bottle 


  • Competition leotard  
  • Future Gymnastics team top 
  • Black leggings 
  • Black T-shirt or singlet top 
  • Toe shoes 
  • White Socks for prize givings 
  • Hair to be neat & tidy high bun 

Click HERE to view the 2023 Competition Schedule. 


If you would like to purchase equipment for your daugher to practice with at home & use at competitions we recommend the following websites: 



Please ask your daughter's coach if you have any questions before purchasing equipement.